Sunday, May 25, 2003
Whenever I take a shower, i play a game with the man downstairs.... He turns on his hot water, and I get cold... so I turn down my cold water, and I get hot... then he turns down his cold and I get lukewarm... so i turn up my hot and he gets lukewarm while I get hot. Its great fun; and sometimes, he gets tricky and turns off his hot water, scalding me for a good laugh.... But I get him back by taking all his hot water, and making him turn his hot water up to the max without any cold, and then turning off my shower completely!! i'm sure he gets a great kick out of this game when he steps out of the shower blistered from the scalding water. Oh the fun we have in my house.
Ottawa lost. The NHL has it out against canadian teams. in the words of the hippy in Lt. Smash's weird hippy dream "I hate america..." ....
# posted by dk_- : 12:35 a.m.
Square Enix in an announcement to all staff last week said they'd be working on a sequels to Star Ocean and Bushido Blade. This is big news for Squaresoft and Enix fans as these two titles are huge fan favourites. When asked what platforms they would be appearing on, Tetsuya Takahashi replied, "Playstation 2, of course... it will be a cold day in hell before we put any of our work on the Xbox..." .. personally I thought this was greatly ironic, since microsoft is lucifer's corporation on earth, and for square enix to develop for it, lucifer would have to drastically change the climate of his home in order to attract them......
Microsoft responded quite quickly, pointing out that they don't need the support of game companies like Square Enix because they know gamers, and knowing gamers as well as they do, they think they've made a great investment in aquiring companies like Rare, who are guaranteed to put out quality titles to be enjoyed by people of all age groups, especially mature gamers... which the Xbox is focused towards. I mean, I don't have to talk about them, just check out these screens...

I mean, look at that shot; that supersoaker really shows that he means business. i can just see him saying "bring it on bitch!"

or this shot, which shows the monster hardware of the xbox being used to its fullest extent. I mean, wow, what amazing graphics. That pirate looks just wicked-cool. And the burgers.... i mean, nothing says hardcore/mature like attacking with burgers.
Lets take a quick peak at another quality title sure to satisfy coming to the xbox soon.

I think they really outdid themselves with this title. I mean, what beats running around as squirrels shooting eachother? Especially girl squirrels in pink dresses with blonde pig-tails. As mentioned earlier, who needs Square Enix when you've got Rare? Just look at the quality of this title; i mean, shit, she's got pigtails!!
here she is again, i mean nothing says mature like blood and gore right? especially when its squirrels. man im looking forward to this; i mean, who need bushido blade when you've got Killer Squirrels With Pigtails and Grenade Launchers!!!The final quality title coming from Rare looks like this.

ohboy ohboy ohboy. Look at all the colors. Its so vibrant. the world is so full of life!! yowza, they've outdid themselves this time; especially the pixel shading and bump mapping on the fat woman. Maan, i can't wait.

This screen just confirms microsoft's dedication on mature gamers. I mean, those enemies are scary.... If I had not played Munch's Oddworld first, (to desensitize me.. you know), i'd be shitting my pants!! what graphics and character design..... what a stellar showing by Rare... Microsoft is proud of their lineup of games coming next year; and maintains that there is no need for companies like Square Enix who do not focus on mature gamers like Microsoft does. Thanks for looking out for me Big Brother, I mean Microsoft.
# posted by dk_- : 12:31 a.m.
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
i was driving across georga street bridge, and there was a film crew filming
they were doing a driving scene
and they were filming while driving and had a police escort
i tried to pass them and this cop like, fucking yelled at me out of his window swinging his arms around
i wanted to fucking kick him in the face
fucking pigs
the only times we ever see them is if they are giving out tickets, eating at whitespot, eating at tim hortons, posing as bums checking for seatbelts, on tv, and when people are filming a movie. you think if i was rich and had enough money i could have a fucking police escort too!? fucking garbage.
bunch of fucking creeps.
tell that to your cousin or whatever the cop you know
then tell him to fuck off.
# posted by dk_- : 8:55 a.m.
Friday, May 09, 2003
wellllll the canucks are out. was a great season - they gave us a great run in the playoffs, but just couldn't pull it off tonight. The wild are too fast and have too good a counter-attack. but what can you do. I still love hockey, and i still love my canucks. they're a great team, and have great character. cant wait till next season!!
# posted by dk_- : 4:17 p.m.
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
Someone asked if i had an AOL name; no i do not. I have a hotmail account though - and you can reach me through MSN messenger if you really want. Can u guess my hotmail? Surprising? i thought not.
Ok; it is not a purse per se which makes you gay... no not at all. Its just that having something practical, economical and useful seems to freak people out. Especially when it's so popular with girls ... so, if I think you girls have the right idea with your purses, and I want one.... well I'll get one. Nobody will tell me that I can't... Many may say that I'm gay, but so what? Better than being called retarded.... i guess. or maybe a handidart. I mean, how does it feel to be called a handidart? or Handi for short... I don't know.... Someone call me a handidart - .. i mean in real life, not online. nothing means anything online. i've been called a million different things online and it doesnt effect you the way it does face to face. uhm anyways, about the purse. yah i have a purse. i call it a purse, and its very cool. my girlfriend's been bugging me to buy a new one though, and I think i just might. I'll make sure i choose a cute one. heh.
# posted by dk_- : 7:53 a.m.
Yah, so I asked my boss for a raise today. Whatever - the guy just blew me off, said something in Japanese and hung up on me. I don't know if working harder will have any effect on my wage, but I
do know that I want to make a difference in the next FF game. Who cares about that kingdom hearts crap? Anyways, what story suggestions do some of you guys have for the next FF game? What kind of story would you like to see? I'd like to set it in a world on the brink of technological breakthrough. So there are swords/magic and stuff; but as the game moves on, modern technology becomes available; like cannons and guns. I think the new-school technology vs. oldschool magic/weapons is a really good premise to set a game in. But it would have to be gradual, and the revelation of the technology a shocker... the more powerful the technology the more powerful the shock. mmm yah... that would be a great idea; I think I'll write a memo now....
# posted by dk_- : 7:49 a.m.
Thursday, May 01, 2003
oh yah. about being called a faggot. its common in my sphere of living. i mean, hell i wear a purse and call it "mypurse"... so yah. faggot is a word i live with everyday. thank god i have my girlfriend to keep me straight.
# posted by dk_- : 4:31 p.m.
im going to go rub jergens skin intensive care cream into my hands. it smells nice.
# posted by dk_- : 4:27 p.m.
*Yawn* ... yah so anyways. this guy is commenting on my site and wants me to write stuff because i never do. it must be because im so damn busy with the new Final Fantasy games we're making. You know that FFX-2? Yah I don't like it. I dont like FFX either - it wasn't that great. I mean, I tried to get my input in and make the games more 'oldschool' and down-to-earth, but the management just looked at the bottom line. They wanted monster graphics and a blockbuster story... whatever. When they decided to make FFX-2 I thought that I could make a difference; u know, make the series cool again. Whatever; all they wanted to do was dress Yuna up in different costumes. Anticipation was so high, and response so good that they immediately decided to make an FFX-3 right at launch. *sigh* I've been pushing for an FFVII-2 .. but no dice so far. Also news is that they want to turn Kingdom Hearts into an epic series like the FF series. Sure, thats a good idea; if they didnt use up all the characters in the first one. I recently sent a memo saying that we should make each game a single adventure in a single disney world with cameos from other disney/FF games... I hope that goes through, I have some really great ideas. soooo yah.. if you have any questions about a game or square in general, i'll do my best to answer. but remember im under an NDA for all games in development, and if you know square you should know that they're a pretty tight-lipped company. thanks for reading my page!
# posted by dk_- : 4:05 p.m.