Thursday, January 02, 2003
see that MAVAV thing? hah. Mothers against Video game addiction and Violence. All gamers responded with hostility. everyone shot it down; called the parents bad parents; said the government, media, and all parents just use videogames as a scapegoat to cover up the real issue the real problems that they themselves have created. Violence because of video games? Uh-uh... that sniper guy was an ex-marine - a part of the wonderful military tradition which exists in America. hm; surprising? nah. Marylin Manson's comments in Bowling For Columbine - "it could have a little bit to do with music; but what about the foreign policy of our own [America's] government? That is a policy of violence - and our children look up to the government as role models." Ok.. so we've heard all the scapegoat crap. its actually good stuff - it holds true in many cases. but this MAVAV has a point as well.... kids are retarded. they cannot be controlled - they're like wild animals... i guess thats pretty extreme, but hey, thats what I got from this article, by some guy who has a webcomic. He does make sense - a bit. in a weird sorta way. he is right about one thing though - anything in excess is dangerous. from reading to running to sleeping to eating to playing video games. read it - its good for you.