Saturday, November 30, 2002
Before I started this paper, I was not even aware of how far the media go to protect their own interests. The media had been doing this all through the nineties and continues to do it now. What amazes me is that I did not realize it until it was expressly pointed out to me. It has been in front of our faces for years and years, and yet we do not realize that it is there. This revelation is proof that not reporting on something can be defined as propaganda just as much as blatant persuasion. In fact, the number four Canadian under reported story in 1995 was “Social spending not cause of deficits, debt” (Project Censored Canada). This is the media obviously trying to shape public opinion in favour of cutting social spending. Something which is under-reported can change one’s opinion just as much as something which is over-reported. The media has no excuse for not reporting on issues like this; they are obviously not the watchdog of the public, but more so the watchdog of the economically elite.
So does propaganda exist? Obviously it does not exist in the same forms it existed during World War II and the Cold War, but it is still around and still has an effect on society. Though I have not done research in the area, I am almost sure subliminal propaganda has been wiped out. Flashing images which you do not consciously see on the screen, but registers in your subconscious is extremely illegal. Even though it is recognized that this is an evil practice, one which should not be done under any circumstances, lying to the public is still popular. Historians are constantly bending history to show what they want it to show; like George Orwell says in 1984, “Who controls the past now, controls the future. Who controls the present now, controls the past.” (Orwell, 1949). The government understands this, and will do their best to give an account of events which makes them look good (i.e. Chomsky’s example of mortality figures in Vietnam war). What is important is not the abolishment of this practice (though that will come as well) but the admission of this practice. We have to open our eyes and realize that what we see and hear was carefully planned out by someone who has an agenda. Nobody can escape that label, not the American government, Canadian government or Noam Chomsky. When we hear a news story we must look at it from all angles, even if it reflects badly on us (i.e. Canadian involvement in Somalia).
There must be an understanding on the part of the governments, that the people are not all uneducated fools who cannot think for themselves and must be indoctrinated in order to carry on in a peaceful society. The world is learning – we all must learn to tell the truth. The governments, the citizens and the media. If, first of all, people realized that they were being persuaded in one direction, admitted their prejudices created by media propaganda, and stepped away to look at the media objectively, we could start making some progress. We also have to realize that, when we see ourselves as sceptical of everything we see and hear on television, that we are not “freaks”, “weirdoes” or “social outcasts”. Those who see the propaganda among them must group together – find solidarity with each other so that action can be taken. One person with all these thoughts running through his or her head is useless – organization is necessary, how do you think the media moguls got where they are today? We must emulate the example given to us by the media moguls, and group together. If enough people raise their voice, the message will be heard, and until it is, people’s eyes will say shut. [From here on, it is not included in my paper] It is our duty, as those who can really see through the propaganda, to help open up the eyes of our comrades. Yes, our comrades, at the risk of sounding completely communist, we must also realize that we are in this together. There is strength in numbers, and that is the only strength we have. The mighty dollar may control all the power, but without citizens to have power over, they have nothing. People of the world, rise up! Shake off your shackles of oppression and live together in harmony!!
Friday, November 29, 2002
Wednesday, November 27, 2002
Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland ... ok .. this is not a must have, but cool none the less. who knows, maybe i will end up getting it...
The Legend Of Zelda: A Link to the Past ... This .. this is a must have!!
Street Fighter Alpha!!!!! another must have. a game from my childhood made better, but for GBA!!! woohoo!!
GBA "Halo" light... hmm this looks like a good GBA lighting system if you dont wanna go and get an afterburner.
Lunar Legend!!!! I had no idea this was coming out so soon!! looks like a GREAT RPG ... will really awaken my nostalgia... hmmm.. great graphics too.... *sigh* money money money.
Lufia: The Ruins of Lore!! This title looks awesome as well.. great gfx, another awesome RPG to light up my GBA screen....
Pokemon Advance... and of course Pokemon. Who could have a handheld game system without pokemon. This one is developed with the BIG BUCK of nintendo, so i'm looking forward to seeing what the big N has in store for us.
Rock n Roll Racing!! What the hell!! will the nostalgia ever end!?? i played this for.. who knows what system.. nintendo i guess... and hahaha the music in this game ROCKS.. they have Van Halen, Ozzy Osborne, and many more!!! hahhaha i'd buy this game just for the music while you race around!!
Phantasy Star Collection... Number 1: its by sega, Number 2: its old, Number 3: its an RPG. Number 4: damn those graphics suck. if i can pick it up really cheap offa ebay i prolly will. but then i said that about Breath of Fire II as well... I think I will still try to pick that one up... *sigh* my gameboy..
Thats not to forget the Nintnedo Gameboy Advance E-Reader!! This thing gives you connectivity between GBA and Gamecube, and especially with Animal Crossing!! And you can play CLASSIC CLASSIC CLASSIC games on here for like 5 bucks each! and trade those classic games with your friends!!! wooooo!!!
Yoshi's Island 3!! I played this game on Super Nintendo, and I really liked it.. Great gfx, fun gameplay and a very solid game... this may end up in my GBA collection too somehow... hehehehe...
Metroid Fusion... Now who can ignore this title? Connectivity between this version and GC version, a game many consider to be the best game ever made... I, for one, was never a platform gamer myself, but remembering the extent to which I enjoyed Yoshi's Island 3, (as mentioned above) I can't help but to include this title as well... it looks wonderful; great colors, good graphics and its a Nintendo franchise... so of course theres a Nostalgia factor as well..
Contra: The Alien Wars EX... Ok.. ok, this is a bit of a stretch, but i can't, in good conscience, mention Metroid, but not Contra. This is another platformer from my past, I'm pretty sure i have an old Contra title laying round somewhere, and it is one of those games.. just one of those games that people liked a long time ago, and is impossibly hard, but great to just keep ramming your head against...
Game & Watch Gallery 4!! This game is a must have for me, because anyone who knows me, knows my obsession with pointless games in which you just do the same thing again and again to beat ur high score. This is really great stuff folks.. like for those nights that you just have to be up all night.. or ... waiting for something... if you have nothing to do for like... 8 minutes or so.. and you dont wanna pop in the RPG.. or the Street fighter, cuz those games take a bit to get into and get things done.. you just pop in Game and Watch, and off you go... you can have 3 or 4 games done, and those 8 minutes? well you didn't even feel them. Whereas without this game, you could be sitting there for those 8 minutes, feeling each agonizing second tick by...
He-Man.. Speaking of nostalgia. game might suck.. may not... i might just play it to hear taht opening intro music... i can just hear it now ... (in midi form of course) da da da da da.. da da da da da da... da da da da da da ... da da....... and so on..
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon... Just mentioning this to keep my list going. cuz its true!.. it is...
Breath of Fire II.. I mentioned this before, but didn't link to it... so .. heres the link! :]
Anyways, thats enough for my end of 2002 / beginning of 2003 buying guide. it is now 9am. I will be starting my 10 page essay due today at 4pm right now. We will see where my writing takes me. :]
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
Monday, November 25, 2002
Friday, November 22, 2002
Thursday, November 21, 2002
look at the keywords in that query. goddamn. *shudder*
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
ok now i'm getting excited and i dont even have a gamecube.. nintendo is planning on making a "MegaTon" announcment sometime in december. There is lots of idle speculation of what this will be, but the big N claims it'll be earth shaking. Just to throw my two cents of theorizing in there, this is what I think it will be about:
And there you have it folks, a leaked poster from a few months back - could a massively multiplayer online pokemon rpg be in the works? Maybe. would it be earth shaking? you bet your ass. We'll see what nintendo has in store for us in the coming months - like i said, even I'm getting excited, and i dont even have a gamecube. on a sidenote Nintendo is releasing a "gameboy player" for the gamecube. This is an addon which u connect to the gamecube to play gameboy/gameboy color and gameboy advance games. What is cool about this thing, is that you do not need a gameboy advance to play gameboy advance games - you can play them through your gamecube, with your controllers. Since some gameboy advance games support up to 4 players, all you need are 4 controllers and you're good to go! Anyways, heres a pick of that accessory, as anyone who owns a gamecube would be interested in picking one of those up. Oh and one more interesting note, it is said to have a retail price of about $40 usd. which is cheaper than a gameboy advance.... so will this accessory make the success of Nintendo's popular handheld drop? or will it make the gamecube sell more? whos to say? only time will tell... in any case, gamecube is looking freaking cool right now.
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Monday, November 18, 2002
and i got an email back from my prof, the penalty for late is 20% per day, no exceptions. so this must be handed in on tuesday. ah well.
checklist, beginning with the book itself. will go through all parts of The English Patient which contain signs of feminism to me. Will make notes, and mark pages with post-it notes. Will read "Whirling blindfolded in the house of Woman": article about feminism in Ondaatje's works which sucks and the inspiration for this paper because her article sucked and i will write a paper which will look like what her article should have looked like. Will make more notes, and start writing paper. Write as much as i can. Then delve into feminist books and look for parallels in feminist theory with the parts of The English Patient which resemble feminist statements. Make more notes. Try to almalgamate the paper on The English Patient and the 8 books of feminist theory. Sleep. thats it for now...
Saturday, November 16, 2002
Friday, November 15, 2002
This makes me sick. This beggar needs to get a job. Beggars can get jobs; it is possible. Why don't they? They choose not to; and why not? who knows, go ask a damn beggar. This person is no better than a beggar - but she was a successful beggar. Since her site was so popular, and so many people donated to her, I'm sure someone else will do it. I bet there are hundreds of sites like this up right now!!! I mean - this is not just for any beggar, you need some simple internet know-how, you need some goddamn money to start with so you can pay for the bandwidth, and you need credit cards to accept payment......... What this girl is doing is just begging. Don't be fooled by her... I dont know how so many people were... GODDAMNIT YOU PEOPLE GAVE HER $20,000 us dollars!!? do you know how much money that is!?!?? Thats 31,517.91 CAD!!!! are people just out of their minds? or what?!?!? goddamn.... *sigh* well some people get all the breaks. i guess inside i'm envious and spiteful. I don't see why she could get this kind of outpouring of help from strangers, when someone like me, has to walk for 45 goddamn minutes in the goddamn rain, to get to my goddamn class, when people driving by could see my goddamn thumb out, coud see that it was raining, could see that it was only a 3 minute drive, could see that i had been walking from the bottom of the hill; yet would they help a stranger in need? no fucking way! so i get to class over an hour late, and this bitch walks to the bank with over 30,000 dollars?!! i've never seen that much money in my life. my best friend mike makes more money than I do at my job, and he works fulltime - more than fulltime, he's always got overtime, thats more than 40 hrs a week... i work 38hrs in 2 weeks... damnit!! i'll never see that much because i know my best friend mike doesnt make that much in a freakin' year!! and this bitch walks away with $30,000 for nothing?!? *sigh* what the world is coming to. and she has the audacity to say "but my credit is still bad" after her entire debt is payed off.... still trying to squeeze sympathy out of people... what the hell? People are too eager to help a pretty face in need - but too neglectful of those people who are TRULY needy .. even though they look like shit.. (shes not truly needy, she has a goddamn laptop for chrissake, i dont even have a laptop and i love computers). im sure there are tens of thousands of people that could split that $30,000 among themselves and it could have helped them boundlessly.
There are people with real problems out there, not credit card bills... damn shes asking help for things she's already baught... others ask for help for things they do not yet have. Who deserves the help more? someone who has nothing? or someone who has everything they want, but cannot afford it? I think i've made my point clear, but i cannot begin to express how much this disgusts me. I hope that girl one day finds out what it means to be truly needy, and there is no one there to help her.
Thursday, November 14, 2002
What I'm getting at is, we know about the global issues surrounding us, we know about the media issues surrounding us - but while we live in it there is not much we can really do. Ok, ok, there is a lot we can do. There is that guy named Michael Moore, lashing out against America, and writing books. There are activists all the time demonstrating against the powers that be, in rallies like the one in Seattle. But really - is there much we can seriously do? I do not think so. My point is - that Communications class is kind of like Religion. You can attend it, learn about it, believe in it, and preach it, but when it comes down to it - if you don't do anything about it, its meaningless. So should we all give up Communications like most of us have given up Religion? Should we take action? Of course we should - but in what form? I don't know - will I ever take action? Probably not - all you have to do is look at my church record to determine that. We'll see. Yes... we'll see.
Thursday, November 07, 2002
hahahahahaha is that some funny shit or what!!? so before you get all riled up about the Rez Vibrator, check that shit out!! hahaha
Japanese people are WEIRD!! in japan you can get female underwear in vending machines, and used ones cost more!!! Japanese people seem really sexual.. hmm maybe its just my imagination... maybe its not!! Oh well.. one day i'll go on a trip there and see what there is to see.. i wonder how cultures as groups all grow up with the same chracteristics... its weird too, because japanese people are some of the most modest.. its a really really really big deal to let people see your underwear, though they do it all the time, but each time they do, they act like its the biggest thing.. its so weird.. hmmm i should do an in-depth study on japanese culture.. how can they be totally embarrased about showing their underwear in public, but not embarrased about being seen playing a game like this in public? it's beyond me... im out for the nigh!
I was reading penny-arcade and I came across some information on a game that will cost anyone who owns an xbox, the price of the xbox. ahhaha. it is like, $300!! haha.. its called Steel Battalion, by Capcom. Why does it cost so much you might ask? Well because of its controller of course.. [duh]...'s a pic of it... haha
Crazy huh!!? If you look to the right side of it, you will notice a box with caution stripes around it. Since Steel Battalion is a Mech game, you are a character riding in a mech, and if that mech is destroyed, you have to press "eject", so flip the plastic encasing up, and hit the button. if you don't you die, and lose all your former save files!! woah! talk about consequenses!! anyways, this game looks cool. but i could never afford it, nor fit it anywhere... what the hell, it should come with its own table/chair at this price... where would you put the top part? on your lap or something? hah... i dunno.. anyways.. that was the post from before... bah!