Monday, October 28, 2002
yah tv sucks ass.. maaaaan im even starting to get sick of movies.... grr.. well we'll see ... i watched trainspotting tonight.... the end message? DONT DO DRUGS, CHOOSE "LIFE" .. whats life you may ask?, a nice house, a pet, a girlfriend, a kid or two, a sensible economic car, a tv, a fridge, a washing machine and drying machine... in other words, become part of the system.... become a consumer whore and help the system oppress you with your own "wants" and "needs". ahhahaha you think they're "your" wants and needs, but they're just fabricated by society so people like bill gates can afford to buy half the countries in the world. hahahahaha.
anyways. i hate tv. it stands for everything bad in our society. fuck, people say the internet is bad cuz its 90% porn, but watch music videos and you'll see that 90% of them are porn as well.. (ok maybe softcore). stupid whores. what happened to the music, does it not matter anymore? all people care about is how "sexy" you can look. well f u c k you. and f u c k your "sexy" looks. i hope you grow old and wrinkly and saggy, and watch those videos, and see something in them you hadn't seen when you first shot them and have a stroke from the shock you'll feel from discovering you were no different than a porno actress, who in turn is no different than a two bit prostitue whore on the corner of commercial and venables.
# posted by dk_- : 9:15 p.m.
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Hey everyone.*sigh* I've had a busy week. Bye Michael!!! Have fun in Italy! (He's gone for a week). I have a paper due the day after tommorow, and it has not been started. I am so sad. I discovered this
site on Jocelle's page, and it is REALLY funny. hmmm what else. I am going to read "measure for measure" tonight, it is a good play. why am i updating? i have nothing to say. my mind went blank.. *sigh* its my body telling me to get the **** into bed.
# posted by dk_- : 6:22 p.m.
Thursday, October 10, 2002
okay... so my comments still don't work.. well I'll make em.. gimme a coupla weeks and they'll work... my presentation went awful!!! :( i got nervous and when i was explaining something about feminism, instead of saying "breast" i said "boob" ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! damn!! i think most people heard me, but SHIT i dont believe i did that... and the class is like 80% women! i don't think many people liked my presentation, the teacher least of all. I'm gonna get a bad mark on that. In other news I brought my Xbox upstairs and hooked it up to a TV i just got for 20 bucks!! woohoo!! awesome deal! :) hmmm I d/led and burned unreal tournamet 2003, but i didn't play it yet... i gotta install it first, but i never have time.......... *sigh* i dont get more than like.. 15 mins of computer time a day anymore!! too busy!! i have a paper due next wed, and a mid term next tues. ... we'll see how that goes... *sigh* damn i have to read a play too... things are getting tight... oh well... try the comments till they work!
# posted by dk_- : 7:01 p.m.
Monday, October 07, 2002
# posted by dk_- : 10:14 a.m.
ok im about to start working on a presentation that's due on tuesday. lets see how it goes. time me!
# posted by dk_- : 7:47 a.m.
Friday, October 04, 2002
helloooooooooo.. worked out today, and i feeeeel great! :) hmmm i was running around on the web, and i finally saw the controller for
Steel Battalion!! Man... this game is going to cost as much as the whole system if one were to buy it. The controller is huge, I do not think I could handle using this damn thing. i mean, where would i sit? does the top part sit on ur lap? i suspect not, you'd need a table 'n shit. Here's a screenshot of it:

The thing's huge!!! Something about the game which Tycho posted at
Penny Arcade about the game caught my eye though. If you die, and you do not flip the cover up and press the "eject" button on the giant controller, it deletes your past save games!!!! god!! that would suxorz!!! ahhaha so yah.. that's the first time i saw that controller so i thought i'd post it... i heard this project (the game) started out as a joke - Microsoft contacted Capcom, and asked them if they could make any game what would it be? Capcom jokingly replied, "steel battalion" (well what it is today), and MS took them seriously, and allowed them to develop the game... i don't think too many people will have it though.. waaaay too expensive, its like 250-300 bucks!!! thats an insane cost for a game, giant controller or not.... though i hear the game is pretty damn good.. bah! later
# posted by dk_- : 7:44 p.m.
Thursday, October 03, 2002
okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... now comments are gone. this is insane.
# posted by dk_- : 5:59 p.m.
Today I had a pretty relaxing day. Did nothing...Met someone new. Cool girl named Caroline, shes in my English class that I discussed a couple posts back with lisacita..... You know, the one with all those super "cool" guys? hehehe.. yah that one. Anyways, Caroline is on the same channel I am and has even added to my observations. The class, according to her, has about 3 or 4 gay guys!! hahahaha.. isn't that wonderful!!
Still swamped with homework, but what else is new...
My girlfriend isn't mad at me anymore. yippeee... :) shes so cute! :)
# posted by dk_- : 4:17 p.m.
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
Im in a good mood today.. I finsihed my paper, and a mid term... Two birds with one day!! whoopie.. but I screwed up with Aggie and now she's mad at me. Sorry babe. Its late and I'm tired. I will go to bed soon. this is just a token post for those of you who check here on a regularbasis. oh and someone has
already found my site with the search keyword "homosexual" hahahaha... hmmm maybe someone will search
homersexual!!! :) Anyways I have a presentation due next tues, and a paper due the next wed.. so I have my whole week planned out for me... And in between I have to finish 2 books and a play. And maybe some other stuff.
affordable solutions for better living - Ikea (Consumer whore quote of the day).
# posted by dk_- : 4:55 p.m.
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
While procrastinating (from my essay which is at page 5 and looking damn good) I came across an idea. People find my site by "searches" through the internet. Some of the search strings people find me by is "psychadellic art", or "marlborough cigarettes", "ifrit" of course and a few other terms. I was thinking.... what are the most popular searches done through search engines? I think they are things like, sex, or xxx, or hot girls... maybe even sexy girls!!! hmmm so i thought I would pepper this post with hot sexy steamy girl women friend sexual breasts. hehehehehe... i wonder how many ppl will stumble on my site while looking for porn?? hahahahaha.. hmmm i think my next "search" project will be to find out what the most popular searches are of each week and to throw those keywords into my posts... heehee.. im so sneaky... back to the essay!!! sex.
and some more sex. oh and boobs. tits... jugs!! sexy! ooh so hot! mmm yummy. girls!! ... women? yeaaah.. men!!! hahahahahahhaa lets get some gay, maybe even closet case guys here.. hey you guy.. you guy who was searching for "sexy gay men next door", you havent told anyone you're gay yet have you? hmmm you're just some closet case.... searched for "gay sex" but found my site instead... you dirty boy... just tell your friends and relatives you're gay.. make things so much easier for everyone.. it'll explain why you're always so "friendly" among only your male cousins... hahahahahaha....
# posted by dk_- : 9:53 a.m.