Saturday, November 22, 2003
random thought inspired by all the deep-south americans I've been talking to lately:
just as a person with an English accent will always sound smart, and know what (s)he is talking about,
a person with a southern drawl will always sound stupid, and not know what they're talking about.
Saturday, November 08, 2003
Thursday, November 06, 2003
confession # 212842516:
Once i said that the BeeGees were not the best band ever, when clearly they are
Once i said that the BeeGees were not the best band ever, when clearly they are
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
In researching for my paper, I came across this line:
Among American negroes mother-fucker can be a sign of familiarity or even friendliness. Thus, a normal greeting between two black Americans can be: "Hi, you old muther-fucker, where you been?" Instances between black male youths typically "involve sexual insults directed at the victim or hearer's mother, using a concentrate of vigorous metaphor and savagely chauvinistic humour." (Hughes, p.201) The idea is that the speaker uses as many "bad" words and images as possible to give a tougher impression of himself.
Among American negroes mother-fucker can be a sign of familiarity or even friendliness. Thus, a normal greeting between two black Americans can be: "Hi, you old muther-fucker, where you been?" Instances between black male youths typically "involve sexual insults directed at the victim or hearer's mother, using a concentrate of vigorous metaphor and savagely chauvinistic humour." (Hughes, p.201) The idea is that the speaker uses as many "bad" words and images as possible to give a tougher impression of himself.
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Hmm. I found an old blog I started last year when I was stressed out. Its kinda cool. The archives dont work, so you can't read the whole thing. I happen to have found the whole thing, but here is the url anyways: ... :) you dont have to go there, but here is what i wrote there in the span of a couple weeks:
[ Fri Mar 28, 04:22:57 PM | d k | edit ]
Well I've opened this page to vent.. No one knows about it, and probably no one will find it. We'll see what comes of it. This is my space to discharge to the anonymous public of the internet.
[ Fri Mar 28, 11:24:33 PM | d k | edit ]
Off to work I go. I start in 40 minutes, so I should start preparing. Tonight is going to be a LONG night. My 10 page essay due Monday is going no where and so ... I suck. I will take my readings to work and see if I can't get a few pages written. I'm going to be tired though, my body/mind is telling me to sleep. *sigh*... not for another 8 hours and 40 minutes.
[ Sat Mar 29, 04:32:25 PM | d k | edit ]
8 hours of nightshift and about 30 pages read. I fell asleep several times on my shift - even while on the phone with my girlfriend. Anyways I need to get this essay done mostly today - I mean its due Monday morning, and if I want to look it over objectively I have to finish it today before my shift. If I finish it today before 12, I will be able to concentrate on my English essay this shift. If not, my mind will be all over the place. I have to go to my gF's house at like 7 - so I must get as much work as possible done by then!!! We will see how things go - I'm excited about seeing my gF... I dunno how excited she is about seeing me - we'll just have to wait and see won't we.
[ Sat Mar 29, 04:34:09 PM | d k | edit ]
Wow, I just noticed that its been exactly 24 hours since I opened this page up... It looks great! : )
[ Sun Mar 30, 08:27:18 AM | d k | edit ]
Comments never work. Damn haloscan, damn haloscan to hell!!! [must do essay]... edwin is coming to be tutored. essay put off again...
[ Sun Mar 30, 03:46:05 PM | d k | edit ]
oK I just woke up. I was supposed to wake up at 1pm so that I'd have plenty of time to work on my essay. Instead it is now 4pm. sTarting my work now... (lets see how long this takes)...
[ Mon Mar 31, 02:45:06 AM | d k | edit ]
Hmmmm... the count begins. Since I have opened this blog, once. :) Yay for me!! :) And I finished my essay, I just have to make a title page and a bibliography. And maybe find some more quotes... I really need some more quotes... :) later!
[ Tue Apr 01, 06:35:09 PM | d k | edit ]
Gonna start selling stuff on ebay soon - I have high hopes for the prices of these items - I really need the money. I got $150 from a guy whose paper I "edited" ... the jackass is going to fail the final for sure, he can hardly string together a sentence, let alone a paper. Poor guy though, his aptitude probably leans towards science and math, and he's probably being forced to take this course just for breadth .. so I don't mind "helping" him out... Hopefully one day he'll be a great scientist. Anyways, I have a paper due on Friday and another on Monday, then two exams on Tuesday... Going to be a rigorous weekend. We'll see what happens. Oh, and I baught a *genuine* version of Tactics Ogre "Knights of Lodis" for the GBA... for like 30 bucks... Back to my paper and dinner.
[ Wed Apr 02, 04:55:42 PM | d k | edit ]
Woah... I got a comment. How crazy. Now inspired to write!! : ) I'm also inspired to do my essay which is due this friday.... damn damn damn! how am I going to finish on time? I have the rest of the day today, and all day thursday - think I can spit out a 10 page english paper? I'd better. If I can do this, I KNOW I'm fit for an English degree. If I can't ... well maybe I'm not as english-y as I thought I was. I went and saw the student advisor today - I need one 200 level English course, and one 300 level english course and then I'm done my english major. then all I need are 6 more courses, 4 of them 300/400 level course, and 2 of them 100/200/300/400 level courses... If I want a history minor I need three 300 level courses and 1 400 level course. So that would make a total of 4 upper division histories, + 2 lower division or upper division anything. we'll see if I go for the history or the communications.. or anything else for that matter. WHELP back to the freakin essay - i hope i finish it. I .. really ... really hope i finish it...
[ Wed Apr 02, 09:49:24 PM | d k | edit ]
Its pouring rain outside; I know. I just walked up to Seven Eleven to buy junk for my long night tonight. I will be writing most of my 10 page essay tonight, I hope. So, in anticipation of the overwhelming amount of calories I plan to ingest tonight, I walked to Seven Eleven. Luckily for me, I dressed properly, wearing an undershirt, a long sleeved shirt, a brown hoodie, and my orange water jacket. So I stayed relatively dry and warm w/ my green cap on. What I got? "looove is... what I got... remember that.." anyways, songs aside, what I got:
ONE: Large bag Rave Potatoe Chips; variety: Buffalo Wings
TWO: Coffee Crisp bars; variety: original
ONE: Chocolate Mini Eggs; variety: Cadbury
End Result: One Long Night of binging and hopefully writing. We'll see what happens...
[ Thu Apr 03, 01:28:28 AM | d k | edit ]
Update: Just fnished reading all my background information. I will now begin to write with what I have observed about the story "Carmilla".. I have no definite thesis in mind, but I hope things turn out in the end. We shall see. It is now 1:25am, writing .......... now. ;)
[ Thu Apr 03, 02:40:13 AM | d k | edit ]
Ok, so half an hour later and what have I got done? Well about a page double spaced, I'd venture to guess. I was interrupted several times by my girlfriend, which is alright - I'll take my girlfriend over my homework any night. But tonight is giving me troubles.
I have an over active imagination and the book I just read was a horror story. It is very good; and I am slowly getting extremely tired, I keep feeling sensations that scare me. I feel as if there is someone directly behind me ... watching. I've turned and looked several times, but this requires me to turn my chair all the way around and takes some effort. There is no one there.
I always have the sensation, and fear of someone or something responding to me as I type. So when I pause in my typing, I always have the fear of something trying to communicate with me through the computer by typing what they want to say on my screen - somehow. You know, Matrix-like. But in Matrix, it was expected; here, tonight, now it is not.
So I keep typing, without pausing, hoping that nothing will get the chance to pop up on my screen, and as I type, my chest tightens, anticipating the blood curling scream of someone right behind me as they reach around my chair and sink their claws into my flesh.
[Pause] I sit in silence... waiting for the soft step of Carmilla outside my bedroom door.
[ Thu Apr 03, 11:01:42 AM | d k | edit ]
Ok; so I went to bed at 4am - and now I'm up at 11am. That is a good seven hours, plenty of sleep. I finished one page of my essay last night, I have four more to finish today. Lets get to it!!
[ Thu Apr 03, 01:39:02 PM | d k | edit ]
Well, its been about 12 hours since I started the paper, and I am about 1800 words in. That is, I am starting page 8 of my 10 pages. Things are going quite well and I should be done while the sun is still shining. Beautiful day; really is. :)
[ Fri Apr 04, 12:55:54 AM | d k | edit ]
Remember in the 80s/early 90s when people would say things like; "get my drift", and "don't have a hernia"....? yah. those were weird times. wtf is a hernia anyways?
[ Fri Apr 04, 02:07:16 PM | d k | edit ]
Ok; I finished my paper and just handed it in. I should feel free, but alas, I have another paper due. My last paper was 10 pages long (one line onto page 11), and it was 3000 words, (a bit more)...I have now a 2750 word paper to do.. I suspect this is about 9 pages. goddamnit!!!!
[ Mon Apr 07, 01:40:08 AM | d k | edit ]
I'd say the count is at about 3 now...
[ Mon Apr 07, 01:40:55 AM | d k | edit ]
My final exam is due today. Sometime before 4pm I suspect. *sigh* I've finished about half of it. I want to get at least 3/4 done before I go to bed. So lets hope for the best.
[ Thu Apr 10, 01:56:46 AM | d k | edit ]
Had my birthday today... :) It was cool. Had some friends over and got some cool stuff. :) So I'm happy...
Finished all my exams, and that makes me happy. I have an interview with EA (Electronic Arts) on Friday morning at 09:00... Then another interview with Vancouver General Hospital at 13:00... I hope I get the EA job.. Actually I hope I get both of them so I can choose - I think the VGH job pays WAY more. Oh, and Sport Check Metropolis hired me - .... but its retail sales - on the floor.. and at minimum wage - VGH says they'll pay me a minimum of $15/hr. so yah. no question there. anyways, lucky!!
[ Thu May 01, 12:56:36 AM | d k | edit ]
writing again. i didnt get the EA job. they called me yesterday. why not? well probably because i cant put in 6 days a week because of my other job.. at arpel security. *sigh* well fuck them. fucking hell, they dragged me in for 3 fucking interviews, which took a total of 4 hours of my time, got me up in the fucking morning, stopped me from signing up for summer courses and stopped me from taking a different job in metrotown. mind you that job would have sucked, but money is still money. i mean fuck, all that and then "no." well u know what EA? fuck you!! i'd say i wont play your games anymore, but that'd be a lie. what i can say is that i will play your games, but not out of the loyalty of someone who has baught your games since 1993 for the SNES.. i'll just play them because theres nothing on the market as good. maybe i'll give Microsoft's NHL a try... goddamnit. heartless coorporations constantly find ways to piss me off.
[ Mon May 05, 03:55:05 PM | d k | edit ]
quoting an animation fest i recently saw: MY SPOON IS TOO BIG. ....................... I AM A BANANA.
anyways. listening to system of a down gets me pumped up for anything... i love that band. they are the best. i wish i was serj.
[ Fri Mar 28, 04:22:57 PM | d k | edit ]
Well I've opened this page to vent.. No one knows about it, and probably no one will find it. We'll see what comes of it. This is my space to discharge to the anonymous public of the internet.
[ Fri Mar 28, 11:24:33 PM | d k | edit ]
Off to work I go. I start in 40 minutes, so I should start preparing. Tonight is going to be a LONG night. My 10 page essay due Monday is going no where and so ... I suck. I will take my readings to work and see if I can't get a few pages written. I'm going to be tired though, my body/mind is telling me to sleep. *sigh*... not for another 8 hours and 40 minutes.
[ Sat Mar 29, 04:32:25 PM | d k | edit ]
8 hours of nightshift and about 30 pages read. I fell asleep several times on my shift - even while on the phone with my girlfriend. Anyways I need to get this essay done mostly today - I mean its due Monday morning, and if I want to look it over objectively I have to finish it today before my shift. If I finish it today before 12, I will be able to concentrate on my English essay this shift. If not, my mind will be all over the place. I have to go to my gF's house at like 7 - so I must get as much work as possible done by then!!! We will see how things go - I'm excited about seeing my gF... I dunno how excited she is about seeing me - we'll just have to wait and see won't we.
[ Sat Mar 29, 04:34:09 PM | d k | edit ]
Wow, I just noticed that its been exactly 24 hours since I opened this page up... It looks great! : )
[ Sun Mar 30, 08:27:18 AM | d k | edit ]
Comments never work. Damn haloscan, damn haloscan to hell!!! [must do essay]... edwin is coming to be tutored. essay put off again...
[ Sun Mar 30, 03:46:05 PM | d k | edit ]
oK I just woke up. I was supposed to wake up at 1pm so that I'd have plenty of time to work on my essay. Instead it is now 4pm. sTarting my work now... (lets see how long this takes)...
[ Mon Mar 31, 02:45:06 AM | d k | edit ]
Hmmmm... the count begins. Since I have opened this blog, once. :) Yay for me!! :) And I finished my essay, I just have to make a title page and a bibliography. And maybe find some more quotes... I really need some more quotes... :) later!
[ Tue Apr 01, 06:35:09 PM | d k | edit ]
Gonna start selling stuff on ebay soon - I have high hopes for the prices of these items - I really need the money. I got $150 from a guy whose paper I "edited" ... the jackass is going to fail the final for sure, he can hardly string together a sentence, let alone a paper. Poor guy though, his aptitude probably leans towards science and math, and he's probably being forced to take this course just for breadth .. so I don't mind "helping" him out... Hopefully one day he'll be a great scientist. Anyways, I have a paper due on Friday and another on Monday, then two exams on Tuesday... Going to be a rigorous weekend. We'll see what happens. Oh, and I baught a *genuine* version of Tactics Ogre "Knights of Lodis" for the GBA... for like 30 bucks... Back to my paper and dinner.
[ Wed Apr 02, 04:55:42 PM | d k | edit ]
Woah... I got a comment. How crazy. Now inspired to write!! : ) I'm also inspired to do my essay which is due this friday.... damn damn damn! how am I going to finish on time? I have the rest of the day today, and all day thursday - think I can spit out a 10 page english paper? I'd better. If I can do this, I KNOW I'm fit for an English degree. If I can't ... well maybe I'm not as english-y as I thought I was. I went and saw the student advisor today - I need one 200 level English course, and one 300 level english course and then I'm done my english major. then all I need are 6 more courses, 4 of them 300/400 level course, and 2 of them 100/200/300/400 level courses... If I want a history minor I need three 300 level courses and 1 400 level course. So that would make a total of 4 upper division histories, + 2 lower division or upper division anything. we'll see if I go for the history or the communications.. or anything else for that matter. WHELP back to the freakin essay - i hope i finish it. I .. really ... really hope i finish it...
[ Wed Apr 02, 09:49:24 PM | d k | edit ]
Its pouring rain outside; I know. I just walked up to Seven Eleven to buy junk for my long night tonight. I will be writing most of my 10 page essay tonight, I hope. So, in anticipation of the overwhelming amount of calories I plan to ingest tonight, I walked to Seven Eleven. Luckily for me, I dressed properly, wearing an undershirt, a long sleeved shirt, a brown hoodie, and my orange water jacket. So I stayed relatively dry and warm w/ my green cap on. What I got? "looove is... what I got... remember that.." anyways, songs aside, what I got:
ONE: Large bag Rave Potatoe Chips; variety: Buffalo Wings
TWO: Coffee Crisp bars; variety: original
ONE: Chocolate Mini Eggs; variety: Cadbury
End Result: One Long Night of binging and hopefully writing. We'll see what happens...
[ Thu Apr 03, 01:28:28 AM | d k | edit ]
Update: Just fnished reading all my background information. I will now begin to write with what I have observed about the story "Carmilla".. I have no definite thesis in mind, but I hope things turn out in the end. We shall see. It is now 1:25am, writing .......... now. ;)
[ Thu Apr 03, 02:40:13 AM | d k | edit ]
Ok, so half an hour later and what have I got done? Well about a page double spaced, I'd venture to guess. I was interrupted several times by my girlfriend, which is alright - I'll take my girlfriend over my homework any night. But tonight is giving me troubles.
I have an over active imagination and the book I just read was a horror story. It is very good; and I am slowly getting extremely tired, I keep feeling sensations that scare me. I feel as if there is someone directly behind me ... watching. I've turned and looked several times, but this requires me to turn my chair all the way around and takes some effort. There is no one there.
I always have the sensation, and fear of someone or something responding to me as I type. So when I pause in my typing, I always have the fear of something trying to communicate with me through the computer by typing what they want to say on my screen - somehow. You know, Matrix-like. But in Matrix, it was expected; here, tonight, now it is not.
So I keep typing, without pausing, hoping that nothing will get the chance to pop up on my screen, and as I type, my chest tightens, anticipating the blood curling scream of someone right behind me as they reach around my chair and sink their claws into my flesh.
[Pause] I sit in silence... waiting for the soft step of Carmilla outside my bedroom door.
[ Thu Apr 03, 11:01:42 AM | d k | edit ]
Ok; so I went to bed at 4am - and now I'm up at 11am. That is a good seven hours, plenty of sleep. I finished one page of my essay last night, I have four more to finish today. Lets get to it!!
[ Thu Apr 03, 01:39:02 PM | d k | edit ]
Well, its been about 12 hours since I started the paper, and I am about 1800 words in. That is, I am starting page 8 of my 10 pages. Things are going quite well and I should be done while the sun is still shining. Beautiful day; really is. :)
[ Fri Apr 04, 12:55:54 AM | d k | edit ]
Remember in the 80s/early 90s when people would say things like; "get my drift", and "don't have a hernia"....? yah. those were weird times. wtf is a hernia anyways?
[ Fri Apr 04, 02:07:16 PM | d k | edit ]
Ok; I finished my paper and just handed it in. I should feel free, but alas, I have another paper due. My last paper was 10 pages long (one line onto page 11), and it was 3000 words, (a bit more)...I have now a 2750 word paper to do.. I suspect this is about 9 pages. goddamnit!!!!
[ Mon Apr 07, 01:40:08 AM | d k | edit ]
I'd say the count is at about 3 now...
[ Mon Apr 07, 01:40:55 AM | d k | edit ]
My final exam is due today. Sometime before 4pm I suspect. *sigh* I've finished about half of it. I want to get at least 3/4 done before I go to bed. So lets hope for the best.
[ Thu Apr 10, 01:56:46 AM | d k | edit ]
Had my birthday today... :) It was cool. Had some friends over and got some cool stuff. :) So I'm happy...
Finished all my exams, and that makes me happy. I have an interview with EA (Electronic Arts) on Friday morning at 09:00... Then another interview with Vancouver General Hospital at 13:00... I hope I get the EA job.. Actually I hope I get both of them so I can choose - I think the VGH job pays WAY more. Oh, and Sport Check Metropolis hired me - .... but its retail sales - on the floor.. and at minimum wage - VGH says they'll pay me a minimum of $15/hr. so yah. no question there. anyways, lucky!!
[ Thu May 01, 12:56:36 AM | d k | edit ]
writing again. i didnt get the EA job. they called me yesterday. why not? well probably because i cant put in 6 days a week because of my other job.. at arpel security. *sigh* well fuck them. fucking hell, they dragged me in for 3 fucking interviews, which took a total of 4 hours of my time, got me up in the fucking morning, stopped me from signing up for summer courses and stopped me from taking a different job in metrotown. mind you that job would have sucked, but money is still money. i mean fuck, all that and then "no." well u know what EA? fuck you!! i'd say i wont play your games anymore, but that'd be a lie. what i can say is that i will play your games, but not out of the loyalty of someone who has baught your games since 1993 for the SNES.. i'll just play them because theres nothing on the market as good. maybe i'll give Microsoft's NHL a try... goddamnit. heartless coorporations constantly find ways to piss me off.
[ Mon May 05, 03:55:05 PM | d k | edit ]
quoting an animation fest i recently saw: MY SPOON IS TOO BIG. ....................... I AM A BANANA.
anyways. listening to system of a down gets me pumped up for anything... i love that band. they are the best. i wish i was serj.